The routeRANK widget is available for the relevant pages of any website, such as ‘how to find us’. It replaces or complements the typically text-based, static information page by dynamic and personalized trip information. In particular, it is used by organizations for their visitor management as part of their corporate mobility management. It is also used by events/event organizers on their dedicated events pages.
Help your visitors find you / find your event
Help your visitors save travel cost
Save visitor’s planning time by up to 2½ hours per trip and the tedious effort of putting the trip together manually
Help your visitors save travel time
Integration of internal links
Contribute to environmentally-friendly image
The Widget version is easily included into the relevant webpages. Other than the specific content, transport options shown as well as their fares are publicly available.
- Complete national and international travel options, including flight connections via multiple departure and arrival airports
- Custom integration of the content relevant to your organization/event, e.g. building/event locations, shuttles and internal links
- Custom configuration, e.g. branding, CSS, logo, background image
- Options such as languages, default arrival/departure locations, dates
- Additional criteria (leisure time/available time) and overall ranking (according to desired weighting of the other criteria)
- Sorting according to each criteria as well as various filters and preferences
- Reporting and analysis
For the free base version of the Widget, take a look at our Widget Generator for detailed instructions how to integrate this in your website in about 5 minutes.
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