routeRANK’s offices are situated at the science park (PSE) on the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) campus in Lausanne, Switzerland. EPFL is one of Europe’s leading institutions of science and technology, ranked number 2 in Europe and number 20 in the world in the field of „Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences“ in the academic ranking of world universities (ARWU) by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. This location presents great recruitment opportunities for projects, internships and full-time employment.

routeRANK also regularly participates in the Forum, EPFL’s annual recruitment event, which took place last week. If you did not manage to catch us at the Start-up Day on October 15 or are interested in joining us from further away, please take a look at our Jobs page and contact us.

In other news, routeRANK has a new face on Facebook! Earlier this week routeRANK launched a new Facebook application with the following features:

  • routeRANK widget
    The classic routerRANK widget is now integrated into the Facebook application. You can search the same way you used to do, by going to the application and book your travel tickets online.
  • Friends Connect
    Friends Connect allows you to search through your friends who have also added the routeRANK application, and find your way to them with just a few clicks. No more hassles with planning how to meet up on time!
  • Publish Route
    After searching for a route to a place or to a friend, the application allows you to publish your search results directly to your Facebook wall. With one click you can share and tell everyone about the routes you discover with our application!

If you are on Facebook, try out the application and let us know what you think. You can also connect with routeRANK on our fan page.