UNEP-UNESCO youthXchange recommends routeRANK!
Our ability to find the most environmentally-friendly travel routes and thus to promote a sustainable lifestyle has made us noteworthy of the September’s e-bulletin of the youthXchange (YXC) Project on Responsible Consumption, a joint project by the UNEP and UNESCO.
routeRANK – A suggestion for green travel
“Semaine de la mobilité” refers to routeRANK as a means that makes environmentally conscious travel choices possible.
Plan your trips greener and more easily
The routeRANK team has been working on updates to make travel planning even easier.
The proven user benefits of routeRANK
By using routeRANK, the average travel planner could save 2½ hours in research time as well as an important amount of the journey price.
Helping visitors to find your offices
Covalence links to routeRANK.com in their contact page, helping visitors to find the fastest and cheapest way to their office.
routeRANK cooporates with swoodoo
routeRANK users can now find their ideal flight more easily. Thanks to our cooperation with swoodoo, more than 100 websites are searched for flights, including low-cost and regular airlines.
routeRANK habla español!
Our site is now available in Spanish. Also, you can easily find relevant world-wide airports and travel to even more small train stations in Europe.
More flight providers, more geographical locations, French version
Recently we have been working on major routeRANK updates. We have added some new features which we hope make travel planning even easier!
«routeRANK works like a chess computer»
routeRANK founder and chairman Jochen Mundinger talks about his idea for routeRANK, how CO2 emissions are calculated and how his mathematical background helps him in his work.
routeRANK on the radio and at the «Festival de la Terre»
In the light of the «Festival de la Terre» in Lausanne, routeRANK founder and CEO Jochen Mundinger has been interviewed by the radio station RSR.
From Konstanz to Paris with routeRANK
If there are many alternatives to get from A to B, routeRANK is especially helpful. As an example, we show how Konstanz citizen Moritz Rellmeier can get to Paris.
«Mobility» wins «Green IT Innovation Award»
Today the award ceremony for the «Green IT Innovation Award» has taken place at the Orbit in Zurich. routeRANK has been nominated in the category:«Solutions for a Low-Carbon Economy».