
commuteRANK Analytics

Typically used by mobility experts and consultants, commuteRANK Analytics computes organizations’ commuter trip options. It thus allows the simulation of mobility plan measures and provides input for strategic decisions, such as the impact of a new connection or comparison of multiple potential sites.


Powerful analytics and data visualisation

Interacts with commuteRANK Parking Management

Complete solution, based on real and precise data

Guarantees transparency and traceability, allowing fair and objective treatment

Automated solution, and less prone to human error

Contributes to your organizations’ innovative and sustainable image


Easy-to-use interface featuring:
  • Simple analysis of potential with partially aggregated information, typically during initial stage of mobility plan analysis
  • Full analysis with complete details, typically during implementation of mobility plan
  • Visualization on a map and geo-spatial analysis/isochrone generator for multimodal transport options
  • Address geocoding for potential integration in external GIS software
  • Broad import/export and storage for future comparison
For the analysis, commuteRANK Analytics accurately calculates all relevant door-to-door route options by considering the relevant means of transport and their many multimodal combinations.
  • Modes of transport such as rail, public transport, car, car pooling, e-bike, bike and walk
  • Combinations via multiple relevant nodes such as train stations, public transport stops, P+Rail, P+Ride and bike+Rail
  • Based on real, up-to-date location and connection data
  • Criteria such as trip time, usable time, cost (monthly and annual subscriptions), emissions, quality of connection and corresponding filters
  • Custom configuration according to organization’s preferences and rules as well as any particular connections (e.g. shuttle bus) and regions
  • Interaction through setting and altering of parameters even post-analysis

Integration Options

Complete application

commuteRANK Analytics is available as a web-based, login-protected tool. This comes responsive and secure, in a modern technology.

Application Development Interface (API)

Alternatively, continuous real-time use is available via API, e.g. for workflow integration with your organization’s existing IT systems.

File outpout

Alternatively again, ready-to-use results are provided for immediate use in the relevant file format.
For mobility consultant partners in particular it is possible to personalize the tool, e.g. in terms of configuration and branding.

commuteRANK Parking Management is also available for parking management and administration of commuter subsidies.

“Wir nutzen commuteRANK seit Frühjahr 2014 für die jährliche Parkplatzvergabe für rund 2500 Mitarbeitende am Hauptsitz von Zurich Schweiz in Oerlikon. Die Kriterien für die Parkplatzvergabe sind individuell auf unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst und wir erhalten mit minimalem Aufwand die Liste der berechtigten Mitarbeitenden. Diese Lösung ist für uns optimal und wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Dienstleistungen von RouteRank.”

Isabelle Brunner
Head Corporate Responsibility
Zurich Schweiz

“L'Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, Vaud-Valais utilise commuteRANK dans le cadre de son plan de mobilité, et cela pour ses 7 sites et ses 2'000 collaborateurs. La solution commuteRANK a pu être intégrée facilement à notre logiciel de gestion des parkings. Cette solution novatrice est pour nous très efficace et nous sommes très satisfaits du service apporté par routeRANK.”

Arnaud Violland
Directeur des systèmes d’information et de lorganisation
Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, Vaud-Valais

“… I talked about the need to support new, innovative entrepreneurs, and how difficult it is for this sector to compete against the old, oil-driven economy. (...) To this year's finalist, congratulations on truly creative thinking, and thanks for all your hard work. Together we can turn the tide of global warming, and create more opportunity in doing it.”

Bill Clinton
42nd President of the USA
(congratulating the four PICNIC Green Challenge finalists 2008)

“routeRANK's technology allows its users to improve their resource efficiency in travel and transport easily.”

Prof Dr Dr h.c. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
International Resource Panel, UNEP

“Mit routeRANK spart man sich den Orientierungslauf im öffentlichen Verkehr.”

Simone Niggli-Luder
20-time world champion

“routeRANK ist ein intelligentes Tool. Es erlaubt es den Nutzern, fundierte, umweltbewusste Entscheidungen für bestimmte Reisen und Reiserouten zu treffen. Dieses System ermöglicht eine Reiseplanung, die nicht nur auf Kosten- und Zeiteffizienz aus ist, sondern auch der Umwelt nützt.”

Dr Klaus Töpfer
Former Executive Director
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

“routeRANK is based on sound science and can undoubtedly help businesses, institutions and ordinary citizens alike to control and reduce their transport-related carbon footprint.”

Eduardo Goncalves
Former Global Coordinator of Communications & Campaigns
WWF International ‘One Planet’ initiative



Fairpark by

Roche Diagnostics


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